Your FREEE guide to navigating body image in HA recovery and beyond

Nicky Chapman and I came together to create this downloadable as a tool to help you overcome body image challenges in recovery, which is one of the biggest barriers that holds women back from not only recovering their period, but living a fulfilling and beautiful life.

As women we are conditioned to believe that we are made for a life dedicated to shrinking ourselves. We live our lives in a deprivation mindset, which bleeds into everything we do. We think less is better, we question our hunger, we hate our bodies and we choose deprivation over nourishing ourselves both physically and mentally. It’s extremely deep-seated, and why so many of us struggle to put our health first over our body goals.

Our intention with this downloadable is to inspire you in your healing journey. To create a safe place to seek perspective and awareness, embrace vulnerability, release emotions, + unhelpful stories, and really envision what your life gets to look, feel and be. Because living a life free from disordered behaviours and body obsession gets to happen to you too!