Have you looked at the list of ingredients in your favorite store bought nut milk? It’s a lengthy list full of emulsifiers and fillers that aren’t necessary. All you need are just 2 ingredients, nuts and water!

Have you looked at the list of ingredients in your favorite store bought nut milk? It’s a lengthy list full of emulsifiers and fillers that aren’t necessary. All you need are just 2 ingredients, nuts and water!

mishi’s homemade nut milk

INGREDIENTS makes 3-4 cups

  • 1 cup Organic Raw Soaked Nuts

  • 3 cups Warm Filtered Water

  • 1/4 tsp Himalayan Salt (optional)

  • 1 scoop vanilla collagen (optional)


  1. Soak nuts (See soaking times).

  2. Drain and rinse soaked nuts.

  3. Add all ingredients to a high speed blender.

  4. Blend on high up to 2-3 minuets or until you reach a smooth creamy texture.

  5. Store in an air tight glass jar. Will keep up to 5 days in your fridge.

*Some use a milk bag or cheesecloth to strain, I don’t find this to be a necessary step.

Soaking Times:

Soaking is not necessary, however for optimal digestion, health benefits and creamy texture I suggest it.

  1. Soaking times vary depending on the nut.

    1. Long Soak 8 hours: Almond, Pistachio & Hazel Nuts

    2. Medium Soak 4 hours: Pecans, Walnuts & Brazil Nuts

    3. Short Soak 2 hours: Macadamia & Cashews

Mishi Tips

  • Be sure to use RAW nuts and not roasted. Roasted have gone through a heating process drying them of their natural oils.

  • Natural separation will occur, shake before using.

  • I do not add any sweeteners to my milk. You can sweeten with 1 tsp of vanilla, cinnamon, maple or a date.

  • Looking for chocolate milk? Add 2 tbsp of organic cacao powder and 1 tsp of vanilla extract.

  • I like to freeze any milk I don’t use in an ice cube tray for smoothies.


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