Coconut Yogurt
This single ingredient yogurt pairs so lovely with my Mishi Nola!
INGREDIENTS Makes 1-2 Servings
1 Can full fat organic Coconut Cream (BPA free)
Cinnamon to taste (optional)
1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
1 tsp monk fruit or organic honey (optional)
Prep Time: 2-3 min Cook Time: 0
Refrigerate coconut can overnight.
Open can and separate the liquid from the solid cream.
Add the cream to a medium stainless steel bowl and with a hand mixer whip the solid cream until it thickens. This can take up to 2 minuets, it will resemble the consistency of Greek yogurt.
For a creamy more “yogurt” like texture add in small amounts of the liquid (1/2 tbsp) to get to your desired consistency.
Like it sweet? Add in some berries or your desired natural sweetener like cinnamon, monk fruit or honey.
Serve & enjoy immediately.
Mishi tips:
-leftover liquid save for smoothies!